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Free assisted living consultation is a world-leading research organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of older adults by providing data-driven findings, the latest studies, and expert-verified research in order to enrich the lives of the aging adult population.

Our Approach to Research

Industry Experts

Valuable Insights from Value Experience

All of our research is conducted and led by our team of industry experts in all aspects of analysis and methodology in order to provide comprehensive research derived from full-scale data collection models.

Industry Experts

Valuable Insights from Value Experience

All of our research is conducted and led by our team of industry experts in all aspects of analysis and methodology in order to provide comprehensive research derived from full-scale data collection models.

Growing older just means you need knowing what will make you the most comfortable.

Christine Namdonnie, an assisted living resident sharing her opinions and insights.

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Essential Research


The Biggest Problem for Most is Cost

The biggest hurdle to obtaining quality care is cost. Facilities are generally quite expensive. We conducted a study that takes the voice of real assisted living community residents, insurance experts, and senior care experts to find out more about how we pay.

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Insights into a Complex Industry

Where do you start? How do you choose? Who do you tal to? What should you consider? How do you know how to find a nurturing community? We asked real older adults and took a look at the data to help you find the answers.

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Making advancements in assisted living care is essential to making advancements in aging.

Learn more about how we are enhancing the assisted living industry with our expert driven research and real world patient research data-set.

Donald Dunning, MD, Geriatric Psychiatrist

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Resources for Communities in Need


Options for People Living with Disabilities

When it comes to assisted living, the older population who are living with disabilities have a few more things to consider when theyโ€™re looking for assisted living options. We take a look at what the industry looks like for people living with disabilities.

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Tackling the Problem of Memory Care

The incidence of dementia is on the rise and approximately 1 in 10 men and 1 in 6 women will develop a form of dementia. We take a deep dive to find answers to the problems facing the memory care patient population.

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