Nevada may be an ideal retirement option for seniors who appreciate desert beauty and climates of dry heat. Being one of seven states with no state income tax, Nevada is also a viable option for people who live on fixed incomes. With a social landscape unlike any other state, citizens here take pride in the relatively limited powers of government over everyday functions, such as marriage, personal entertainment, and taxation.
Directory of Assisted Living Facilities in Nevada
When making an assisted living decision, it can be difficult to find the data you need most. In this guide, we have compiled our resources to help you simplify your fact-finding process. The table below contains a comprehensive list of facilities in the state of Nevada, paired with relevant information including amenities, costs, and Medicaid acceptance status.
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How to Pay for Assisted Living in Nevada
Determining how to finance assisted living often starts with the question, “What’s the cost?” In today’s economy, where inflation plays a significant role, having current data is crucial for senior living financial planning. has gathered cost information from its expansive network of over 75,000 senior living providers. This data offers a glimpse into the average expenses for assisted living in Nevada and 2 additional cities within Nevada.
How Inflation Has Impacted the Cost of Assisted Living in Nevada
Inflation has seen the costs of many items rise from 2022 to 2023, and assisted living is no exception. Prices in Nevada increased 4% to $3,716 in that time and are expected to reach $3,957 in 2024. That’s still lower than the U.S. average, which sits at $4,459 currently and is forecast to rise to $4,802 in 2024.
Neighboring states have been impacted more by inflation than Nevada. Prices in California rose by 7% and those in Arizona by 10%. Utah and Oregon had even higher rises, with increases of 12% and 19% respectively.
Location | 2022 Cost (Historical) | 2023 Cost (Current) | 2024 Cost (Estimated) |
Nevada | $3,586 | $3,716 | $3,957 |
U.S. Average | $4,070 | $4,459 | $4,802 |
California | $4,625 | $4,946 | $5,221 |
Utah | $3,690 | $4,129 | $4,200 |
Oregon | $4,681 | $5,580 | $5,942 |
Arizona | $4,008 | $4,420 | $4,962 |
The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living
Other types of senior living provide different levels of care for older adults. Average monthly costs reflect how much care is offered, the amenities available and the specialized services that are included. Independent living is most affordable at $2,463. Assisted living offers personal care and costs $3,716 monthly. Seniors pay $4,474 for memory care due to the specially designed dementia services that are available.
Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Nevada
Nevada participates in the national Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), which provides coverage of all medical and personal care services for qualifying seniors. PACE offers a suite of care options for a capped monthly fee that is below the cost of comparable nursing home care.
This program is intended to help especially frail seniors avoid being institutionalized, and most recipients have dual eligibility for Medicaid and Medicare. Recipients may use their benefits in assisted living facilities. However, all recipients must have family or caregivers available who can provide limited care and supervision for short periods of respite.
Who is Eligible?
- Ages 55 and older
- At risk of institutionalization
- People who live in a PACE service area
- Individuals who can live safely in their home or assisted living community
Private payment is accepted for individuals not receiving Medicare or Medicaid, but space in the program is generally limited. People with the most pressing needs are given priority on Nevada’s PACE waiting list.
How to Apply
To find out if you qualify and begin the application process, call or visit your local Nevada Care Connection office location. To learn more about PACE benefits, visit Nevada PACE has providers in Las Vegas and North Las Vegas.
The Nevada Frail Elderly Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver
This is a Home- and Community-Based Services waiver, and it is intended to help people at imminent risk of institutionalization remain in their communities or in assisted living facilities. This waiver funnels Medicaid funding into 24-hour care services to be provided in one of these settings, and it is available for a limited number of recipients.
Services provided by the Frail Elderly Medicaid Waiver are:
- Caregiver respite
- Chore services
- Homemaker services
- Adult day healthcare
- Adult companion services
- Augmented personal care services provided in an ALF, including activities of daily living
- PERS (Personal Emergency Response System)
- Direct service case management
For these services to be provided to an assisted living resident, the residential unit must be equipped to provide 24-hour, supervised care, individual living rooms, and private toilet facilities. Because space in this waiver program is limited, applicants are selected from the wait list based on urgency of need.
Who is Eligible?
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Age 65 or older
- Eligible for full Medicaid
- At imminent risk of nursing home placement
- Require at least one of the services provided under the waiver per month
- Have an adequate support system during hours when services are not available
How to Apply
To apply, contact your nearest Aging and Disability Services Division to get in touch with a social worker who will handle your case. For more information, visit the Division of Healthcare Financing and Policy online.
More Ways to Finance Assisted Living
Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:
- Veterans Benefits: Veterans can take advantage of several different pension programs to help cover the cost of assisted living. For more information, see the article on
- Life Insurance Policies: Even if a spouse or loved one hasn’t died, certain types of life insurance policies can be used to pay for assisted living. More information is available at
- Long-Term Care Insurance: Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance policy that pays for long-term care when it becomes necessary, including the cost of assisted living. For more information on the benefits and drawbacks of this financing method, visit
- Reverse Mortgages: Reverse mortgages allow seniors to access the equity from a home that they own, and these funds can be used to pay for assisted living. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers a federally insured reverse mortgage program.
Free and Low-Cost Resources for Seniors in Nevada
There are many resources in Nevada that assist seniors in their retirement. has compiled information on local organizations, programs and agencies and categorized them into care types for easy reference.
Area Agency on Aging
Retirees can find support and advice on various senior-related issues from their local Area Agency on Aging. The agency provides advice on topics such as financial assistance programs, in-home care and long-term care planning. It also connects seniors and caregivers with community-based resources.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Nevada Area Agencies on Aging | The Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division is based in Carson City and assists seniors throughout Nevada. Adult Protective Services falls under this division, as does the Nevada State Long Term Care Ombudsman program. The Office of Community Living offers waivers to seniors for in-home services, such as personal care assistance, a homemaker, an adult companion, transportation and personal emergency response systems. Caregivers can also find relief with respite care and adult day care centers. |
Cash Assistance Programs
Cash assistance programs in Nevada provide financial support to help low-income retirees remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Seniors and caregivers can apply for tax rebates and reductions, discounts on vital services and help covering the cost of heating and cooling their home.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Nevada Lifeline Program | 800-234-9473 | The LifeLine Program offers a discount on landline or mobile telephone service, ensuring that participants can stay in contact with loved ones. |
Food Assistance Programs
Local organizations help ensure elderly citizens have a balanced diet and receive essential vitamins and minerals to remain healthy. Through nutrition programs, congregate meals, home-delivered meals and food pantries, these programs help Nevada seniors afford the nutritious food they need.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Nevada Meals on Wheels | Nevada Meals on Wheels is an umbrella organization that partners with food pantries to deliver hot, healthy meals to homebound seniors throughout the state. While Nevada MOW is not a direct provider of food, it maintains a national database that helps seniors find the program closest to them. Many MOW partners also provide congregate meal sites where seniors can enjoy a meal while socializing with their peers. |
Free Used Medical Equipment
Due to the high cost of purchasing new medical equipment, several organizations in Nevada collect lightly used medical devices such as wheelchairs, ramps and walkers and distribute them to local seniors and residents in need.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Nevada Assistive Technology Resource Center (NATRC) | 800-216-7988 | The NATRC offers low and high-tech assistive technology to Nevada seniors in need. It loans the devices at no cost for two weeks, although participants can use multiple loans to extend this time if the device is not needed elsewhere. |
Nevada CARE Chest | Care Chest provides medical equipment and supplies to northern Nevada residents who demonstrate financial need. It loans devices for as long as participants need them and can sometimes deliver them to the participant’s home. The program also has a walk-in facility that can provide equipment on the spot with proof of identity, residence and income. |
Home Repair and Modifications
Seniors and those with disabilities can access a variety of local resources to help them pay for home repairs and modifications. Programs in Nevada have different eligibility criteria and often assist retirees by providing grants or loans.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Nevada Home Modifications – RAMP | 702-648-3425 | Nevada Senior Services runs the RAMP program, which provides subsidized home modifications necessary for seniors to maintain the accessibility needed for independent living. The program seeks funding to help cover the costs for selected modifications. |
Social Security Offices
Social Security offices in Nevada help seniors and disabled people access the benefits they’re entitled to. Older adults can contact their local office for information about receiving retirement benefits, disability allowance and Supplemental Security Income.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Nevada Social Security | Social Security is a source of income available to retirees and people who can no longer work because of a disability. The money for Social Security comes from a payroll tax levied on employers, employees and self-employed individuals. When you retire, you’ll receive monthly payments based on how much you earned when you were working. |
Tax Assistance
Seniors can apply for tax assistance from several Nevada resources. Elderly residents and those with disabilities could be eligible for tax exemptions on medical expenses, reductions on property tax and other tax assistance programs.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Nevada Blind Exemption | Seniors who are legally blind can apply for the Blind Exemption. The assessed value for this exemption starts at $4,380 but goes as high as $7,300 if combined with the Veteran’s Exemption or the Surviving Spouse Exemption. This exemption requires a new application every year. | |
Nevada Surviving Spouse Exemption | Widowed seniors may qualify for the Surviving Spouse Exemption, which offers an assessed value of $1,460. They must file an exemption each year to apply. | |
Nevada Veteran’s Exemption | Seniors who have served in the military could qualify for the Veteran’s Exemption and receive a property tax reduction based on their home’s assessed value. The assessed value reduction starts at $2,920 but can increase to $29,200 if there are additional factors such as disability and blindness. They must submit a new application each year. |
Utility & Energy Bill Assistance
Low-income seniors who are struggling to meet the costs of maintaining their homes can find support from organizations that offer assistance with utility and energy bills. Nevada retirees could also qualify for emergency funding programs if they’re in danger of losing utility services due to unpaid invoices.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Nevada Energy Assistance Program | The Nevada Energy Assistance Program assists eligible state seniors with financial help for energy costs. Its calendar year runs from July 1 to June 30, but interested individuals can apply anytime. Only one payment is permitted for each qualifying household during a calendar year, and seniors must fall within a specific income range to be eligible. Applicants are required to submit requested details and supporting documentation, including proof of residency and the amount of cash assistance needed. |
Veteran’s Services
Nevada retirees who have served in the U.S. military can find support from local veteran services. These offices and organizations help vets access the benefits they’re eligible for and provide advice and information on a variety of issues.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Nevada VA Benefits and Health Care | Seniors who are qualified veterans can receive services from the Nevada VA Benefits and Health Care office. This state-wide program provides a wide range of benefits to veterans, including medical care services, supplemental income and the potential for long-term care services. Nevada’s VA Medical Centers are in Reno and Las Vegas. |
Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Nevada
Assisted Living Service Plans
Most assisted living facilities (ALFs) interview prospective residents before their move-in date to establish a service plan. The service plan discloses a resident’s needs and desires, as well as the ALF’s service capabilities and costs. The document is updated with regular evaluations, usually on a yearly basis, and includes a functional assessment of the resident. Residents’ rights and facility regulations are also disclosed in the service plan, and a signed and dated copy is kept on file.
An important part of the service plan interview is determining what personal care services and level of care are needed by each resident. People who receive behavioral care must have goals and strategies included in their document, and the plan must be confirmed by a physician or behavioral healthcare provider. If the plan involves recurrent medication administration or other skilled nursing services, a nurse or medical practitioner must review and confirm the provisions.
Assisted Living Admission Requirements
To become an assisted living resident, citizens must meet certain qualifications of physical and mental capability. The state of Nevada allows for people who have limited mobility or intellectual capacity to be accommodated at facilities under a special designation: Category 2. Category 2 residents may work with home health and hospice providers who can more directly provide medical aid and assistance with activities of daily living, like eating, bathing, and moving around.
ALFs cannot accept residents who:
- Are bedridden
- Require medical supervision on a 24-hour basis
- Require restraints or confinement
- Require gastronomy care
- Suffer from staphylococcus, or other serious infection
The state of Nevada specifies other types of illnesses that must be self-managed by residents in order to remain at an ALF. Facilities must have state-endorsed medical exemption to accommodate residents who need third-party care from a home health or hospice agency.
Assisted Living Scope of Care
Residents may require medication assistance and/or aid with activities of daily living, which all facilities must be equipped to provide. Only facilities that have had their license endorsed by the Bureau of Healthcare Quality and Compliance can accommodate Category 2 individuals, and often a home health or hospice agency will work with these residents to provide a greater level of care than the facility can accommodate. Assisted living communities are required to provide at least 10 hours of social and physical activity each week in order to help residents maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Assisted Living Medicaid Policy
Though facilities in Nevada are required to provide assistance with personal care for all residents, Medicaid does not reimburse for service provided to individuals who don’t require an extensive level of care. However, residents who have been assessed as nursing home-eligible (Category 2) may be reimbursed for personal care services provided at the ALF. By applying for Home- and Community-Based Waiver Services, Category 2 residents can avoid, or at least delay, institutionalization, remaining instead in assisted living or in their communities.
Assisted Living Facility Requirements
Private assisted living units require at least 80 square feet of usable living space, while shared housing can accommodate a maximum of three residents and must provide at least 60 square feet per person. There must also be a toilet for every four residents, and one shower or bath will be available per, at most, every six residents. All units must also make special provisions for the comfort and safety of people with auditory or mobility impairments.
ALFs are required to provide three nutritious and appetizing meals per day, and facilities with 10 or more residents will have trained dieticians on staff. Tenants may have their lunches delivered to be eaten their units, but not for more than 14 consecutive days.
No one can be forced to accept a roommate in Nevada assisted living – all shared living arrangements must be voluntary.
Medication Management Regulations
Residential facility caregivers may assist residents in taking their medications. Often this means that an ALF employee will help open packaging, or provide cues to help occupants remember to take their medicines.
Administrators and employees are required to complete a 16-hour course on medication management prior to employment and must pass an exam when the course is completed. Medication training is repeated annually with an eight-hour course. Facility administrators must organize a medication management plan, and employees must be trained to implement it.
Staffing Requirements
Although there are no specific caregiver-to-resident staffing ratios required for unendorsed Nevada ALFs, facilities must have sufficient staff on hand to meet residents’ needs. At facilities with an occupancy of 20 or more, at least one staff member will be awake and available throughout the night, with an additional caregiver always prepared to be available at 10 minutes’ notice. If a facility houses 50 or more people, then administrators must appoint a manager to oversee daily activities.
Staff Training Requirements
In addition to the employee and administrative training required for medication management, both caregivers and administrators of ALFs must become certified in first-aid and CPR within their first 30 days of employment. All staff is subject to eight hours of continued education every year, but other training and employment requirements differ for caregivers and administrators.
Administrative staff:
- Must be licensed by the Nevada State Board of Examiners for Administrators of Facilities for Long-Term Care
- Must achieve an advanced certificate in first-aid and CPR administration within 30 days of hire
- Must be at least 18 years of age
- Must possess an ability to understand the problems of the aged and disabled
- Must demonstrate proficient English speaking, reading, and writing
- Must achieve a certificate in first-aid and CPR administration within 30 days of hire
- Must receive no less than four hours of resident care training
- Must undergo more extensive initial and yearly training for employment at facilities that accommodate residents with certain mental or chronic illnesses
Background Checks for Assisted Living
Caregivers, administrators, and all other staff can have no prior convictions or substantiated accusations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Nevada ALFs can only accept background checks conducted in-state by the Department of Public Safety and/or the FBI.
Reporting Abuse
The state of Nevada provides different means for citizens to file complaints of facilities and to make reports of elder abuse.
Report a Facility
The Bureau of Healthcare Quality & Compliance (HCQC) conducts investigations concerning assisted living facilities. This agency also offers a look-up tool to help prospective residents find facilities and see their past inspection histories.
To file a complaint with the HCQC, find the complaint form at where it can be submitted electronically or downloaded as a PDF to be mailed or faxed. Complaints can be emailed directly to [email protected].
Report Abuse
Nevada’s Aging and Disability Services takes confidential reports concerning people aged 60 and older who are abused, neglected, exploited, isolated, or abandoned. If the agency determines that a crime has been committed, they will refer the case to local authorities to begin investigation within a maximum of three days.
To make a report from anywhere in the state, call (888) 729-0571, or for the Las Vegas/Clark County area, call (702) 486-6930. For more information, visit
Nevada COVID-19 Rules for Assisted Living Facilities
Note: The following information was compiled and most recently updated on 2/10/22. Since COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving crisis, be sure to contact your assisted living facility or local Area Agency on Aging for the most up-to-date information.
COVID-19 Rules in Nevada | |
Are loved ones allowed to visit residents in their assisted living community? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are residents required to quarantine after their loved ones visit? | No |
Are loved ones required to wear masks when visiting residents? | Yes |
Are Hairdressers and other non-medical contractors allowed in assisted living communities? | Yes |
Are visitors screened for elevated temperatures before entering the assisted living community? | Yes |
Are residents allowed to leave the assisted living community for non-medical reasons? | Yes |
Are residents who leave required to quarantine when they get back to the assisted living community? | No (Conditions Apply) |
Are assisted living communities required to cancel all group outings? | No |
Are assisted living communities allowed to host group activities within the community? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are staff members regularly checked for elevated temperatures? | Yes |
Are staff members regularly tested for COVID-19? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are residents regularly screened for COVID-19 symptoms? | Yes |
Are residents regularly checked for elevated temperatures? | Yes |
Are residents regularly tested for COVID-19? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
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We’ve compiled a list of the best assisted living facilities in each the cities featured below using our unique methodology. View images, base pricing, room types, and more information about these communities by clicking on the links below.